
To provide a learning environment and to assist in robotics projects or really just any hobby related to engineering. There are lessons, project tutorials, and even sensor documentation with usage examples.

Images from Posts

Using Node.js as a web server
A screenshot of the main page, which is the static form.html file, A screenshot of the dynamically generated response to the form.
A screenshot of the dynamically generated response to the form.
Using Node.js as a web server
A screenshot of the main page, which is the static form.html file, A screenshot of the dynamically generated response to the form.
A screenshot of the main page, which is the static form.html file
LCD - Sainsmart HD44780 / LCD2004
Overview, lights off, Back side, Backlight
Back side
LCD - Sainsmart HD44780 / LCD2004
Overview, lights off, Back side, Backlight
LCD - Sainsmart HD44780 / LCD2004
Overview, lights off, Back side, Backlight
lights off
LCD - Sainsmart HD44780 / LCD2004
Overview, lights off, Back side, Backlight
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Python GUI broken into multiple files

Submitted by Evan Boldt on Sun, 07/15/2018 - 23:08

TkInter GUIs can get extremely long very quick. Fortunately they can be split into multiple files - especially if you give them a class wrapper. The important thing is that you pass the relavent parent elements so more widgets can be inserted into the frame or window.

The below example shows how to take the previous python GUI example and break it into multiple files using Python modules.

Using Node.js as a web server

Submitted by Evan Boldt on Mon, 08/04/2014 - 18:59

Node.js is JavaScript that can be run outside of a browser. It is often used to make a fast server for dynamic content.

Probably one of the biggest advantages to Node.js, aside from being one of the fastest and easiest to learn server environments, is that JavaScript is the lanugage used on browsers, allowing you to program both the server and client in the same language.

NPN and PNP Transistors

Submitted by Jenn Case on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 15:59
Transistors are incredibly useful devices. My favorite use for bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) is switches. By either applying a high (1) or low (0) voltage to them, the transistors switch from on to off or vice versa. These transistors also can be used for current amplification. They can also be used along side diodes to create logic gates. However, this will focus on the difference between the NPN and PNP transistors.

Inverted Pendulum Controls

Submitted by Evan Boldt on Sat, 04/12/2014 - 12:23

Balancing an inverted pendulum is the typical example when demonstrating a control system. A weight on an arm above the rotation pivot is an unstable system. It has one stable point when the weight is perfectly balanced. If the weight is slightly on either side of this point it will begin to move away from this stable point. On the other hand, a weight on an arm below the rotation pivot is a stable system. The weight is stable at the point exaclty below the pivot as well, but if it is moved slightly away from this point it will move back towards it.

I have built a simulation using web standards like JavaScript and HTML so you can observe the impact different PID controls have on an inverted pendulum. You can modify the gains of the proportional, integral, and derivative controls to test how each component works. The simulation is optimized to be used with Chrome and Firefox, but has a limited set of features available for Internet Explorer.

A screenshot of the simulation. Click to do your own simulations.


Submitted by Evan Boldt on Mon, 01/27/2014 - 21:33

The Udoo is relatively pricey, but has some great features and is relatively well documented. They bill themselves as a "Raspberry Pi + Arduino", but that is selling themselves a little short. Anyone could plug an Arduino into the USB port of a Raspberry Pi. The ARM processor is faster and more capable than the Raspberry Pi, but also has the same pinout as the Arduino Due with the exception of a few missing pins like the analog ones. Additionally, there is an Arduino Due-like processor that has full access to the same pins. That's right. Both processors can access the same pins. They can access different ones at the same time, or even send signals to each other if you configure it that way.

It features an ARMv7 processor, not ARMv6 like the Raspberry Pi. The newer instruction set means each core of the ARM processor is significantly (2x) faster at many tasks. More importantly, it is the same instruction set supported by popular Linux distrobutions like Ubuntu and Android. The Raspberry Pi's ARMv6 processor is pretty much restricted to the Raspbian Debian derivative.

Udoo Benchmarks

Submitted by Evan Boldt on Thu, 01/16/2014 - 12:40


Each test was run on an Udoo with a Quad core while X.org was running and a Chromium window was open. The additional load, for the most part, is not important because most these benchamarks only test one of the cores of the udoo at a time. Only the 7zip test ran accross all cores.

To compare the benchmarks to those of the Raspberry Pi (wiki), I used this package (zip). Also compare to my Angstrom BeagleBone Black test .

Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout

Submitted by Jenn Case on Tue, 11/26/2013 - 13:44


The Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout board is an excellent way to get started with GPS and Arduino. Adafruit does an excellent job providing tutorials and code for the user. I would suggest checking out their provided tutorials and code before looking elsewhere.

When I was working with the GPS, I made a few changes to the code that Adafruit provided based on how the Arduino handles floats (or doesn't handle them). The changes that I made are not particularly necessary depending on what it is being used for, but does increase the accuracy of the module on the code level. However, I suggest that you become familiar with how the unit works first before attempting to alter the code.

IO Port Expander (MCP23017 and MCP23008)

Submitted by Evan Boldt on Fri, 08/16/2013 - 12:24

The MCP23017 and MCP23008 integrated circuits are a great way to add more I/O pins to a microcontroller. They use the i2c standard, so they can share the same serial line with 254 other sensors and even up to 8 other chips of the same exact type.  They are particularly good for a Raspberry Pi because they have higher current capabilities than the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins. The MCP can supply 25mA per pin and the Raspberry Pi can only do less than 16mA per pin. 20mA is enough to fully power a strong LED, so 16mA may not be enough in some cases.